
Showing posts from May, 2018

Carly Smith - Music Thumbnails

Emily Thomas - Music Thumbnails

Kelsey Cox-thumbs

Abby Staker - Single cover thumbnails

Rachel Rounsville- Thumbs

Tyler Ostler_Thumbnails

Daniel Pullan: Thumbnails

Michael McCullough album thumbnails

Rachel Rounsville- Final Toy Design

Toy Design Final - Carly Smith

Painting and Art Style with Batman

Emily Thomas - Final Product Design

Michael McCullough Toy Final

RR Toy Design

Kelsey- Toy

Safari Rack: Daniel Pullan

WIP Toys - Carly Smith

Lexi K. Nilson : Puppet Stage

Karly Jade Catto - Toy Design Comp/Sketch

Tyler Ostler_Toycomp

Rachel Rounsville- Toy Final Comp

Abby Staker - Final Toy Comp

Amelia Galloway Toy Design Final Comp

Color Exercise

Emily Lui Toy Final

Daniel Pullan Line Drawings

Michael McCullough toy WIP

Emily Thomas - Product Comp